Sunday, April 22, 2012

----------------April 22, 2012---------------

The other day, I was just living the usual college life. I found myself caught up in something that was bothering me; it was a complaint or something that just wasn't going quite right.

That night, I went to bed just like any other night. Like I often do, I began dreaming. In my dream, my life began to fall apart a little. This horrible dream was the biggest blessing and wake up call that I needed.

I was forgetting to be grateful.My life has gotten better and better and I was getting help with my trails. So much has been going right and I was complaining about a little speed bump. Wow Sam, WOW! Ha needless to say it was a wonderfully humbling experience that reminded me how good my life really is.

There is so much to be thankful for. I have an incredible family, a cozy apartment, an awesome education, great friends, plenty of food, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am happy! :)

Everything works out. Even when my future path looks a little puzzled and I'm not sure how it will work (like right now)I am reminded by an awesome dad that everything will work out.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Matters Most...

I've had this thought on my mind in the past couple months. What really matters most? A few ideas have come to my mind...

What matters most isn't temporary.It's not something that is new or something just from our generation. The things that matter most have been in every generation. This cuts out my iPod, my red heals, and my toaster oven-probably my favorite kitchen appliance.

What matters most will matter most yesterday, today and forever.


Ya know those first two folks on the earth? Adam and Eve? They are a symbol of what matters most: Family.My mom would always say that after high school, you don't talk much to your friends, but your family is always there. A while back, times got a bit tough, okay, a lotta bit tough. I KNEW this experience was to teach me what matters most. When the bumpy road came, I constantly was getting sweet telephone calls, thoughtful texts, and cute cards from my fam. During the bumpy times, you realize just how AWESOME they are.

So... I started this posting last week. Some friends ended up coming by to visit. You'll never guess the next topic I was typing about- People.I decided to "walk the walk" and enjoy the people I was with, hence this blog is a little late. People are what can truly make us happy; they are ETERNAL.

I want to express one more thing which matters, which I will express with a little story. One lovely morning in our lovely little kitchen, one of my dear roommates was reading her scriptures. She reads with her iPod playing the audio. She had some lovely (there are a lot of lovely things in this story :) ) oatmeal she was enjoying for breakfast. All of a sudden, her oatmeal took a turn for the worst. It took a dive onto her scriptures and her iPod. She quickly went to work cleaning off her scriptures. In that split second she probably didn't even think about it, but her priorities were shown. She cared more about the scriptures than an iPod. In essence, things of God really matter- scriptures, praying, and obeying His simple commands. They really make us happy :)


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Spring Break 2012 ~ Habitat for Humanity  Tucson, AZ

There is nothing like a new adventure! Tucson was so so warm, I made many great new friends, and I learned how to assemble a toilet. That's what I can adventure. There is so much fun to be had, as long as we Enjoy the Journey.

The trip was called an "Alternative Spring Break". Alternative meaning service in this case. We were able to work in the Habi Store and help there for a day (Including but not limited to toilet assembly, organizing a plethera of wonderful things, helping customers and speaking Spanish with our new friends. Wonderful? I say so.)

For a few days we worked on the Habitat Houses. We painted, cleaned, drove a wicked-cool tractor, and used a fun magical magnetic nail picker-upper. It was a BLAST.:) Not to mention our sweet helmets. As we took time to serve and help others, I realized something. My own problems were getting smaller. Service is a miracle.

All in all, wonderful trip. We are blessed to have comfortable places to live where we are Safe. We are blessed to have friends that we can laugh with and experience new adventures with. We are... Blessed.